Take a look -->
Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013
Stephanie is playing the main character in the shortfilm OPHELIA
Friday 13th turned out to be my lucky day :)
I'll be working on the shorfilm OPHELIA in January!
I'll be working on the shorfilm OPHELIA in January!
Montag, 11. November 2013
Wow! Nun wird es wirklich immer konkreter! Die Pressemappe... frisch aus dem Druck!
online zu finden auf:
Montag, 28. Oktober 2013
Change of Residence
Now it's official:
Stephanie moved to Munich!
Don't worry Berlin...I'll still visit you every once in a while! ;)
Stephanie moved to Munich!
Don't worry Berlin...I'll still visit you every once in a while! ;)
Stephanie as LINDA IN "ESSENZ"
Stephanie is currently rehearsing for the independent film production "ESSENZ", directed by Marco von Moos and Andrea Bertolini.
The movie will be shot in Norway&Zurich around Easter 2014.
Stephanie plays the part of LINDA.
For further information:
The movie will be shot in Norway&Zurich around Easter 2014.
Stephanie plays the part of LINDA.
For further information:
Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013
Montag, 29. Juli 2013
Montag, 15. Juli 2013
Samstag, 29. Juni 2013
Munich Film Festival 2013
Hi everyone!
Looking forward to meeting you there!
Looking forward to meeting you there!
Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013
Theatre-project "Wagnis Mensch Sein" cancelled
Hi everyone!
Unfortunately our theatre project "Wagnis Mensch Sein" got cancelled.
Due to difficulties with some actors' schedules (which lead to the dropping out of two of our actors) and a huge lack of time to rearrange the whole play, we had to cancel the show.
Thank you all for your support! I'm looking forward to seeing you all at another premiere!
All the best,
Unfortunately our theatre project "Wagnis Mensch Sein" got cancelled.
Due to difficulties with some actors' schedules (which lead to the dropping out of two of our actors) and a huge lack of time to rearrange the whole play, we had to cancel the show.
Thank you all for your support! I'm looking forward to seeing you all at another premiere!
All the best,
Freitag, 31. Mai 2013
Wir sind in der Finanzierungsphase! Vielen herzlichen Dank an alle unsere Fans!
Ihr könnt gerne weiterhin unser FAN WERDEN und natürlich wären wir auch sehr froh wenn ihr uns als SUPPORTER unterstützen würdet!
Jeder Euro zählt! :)
Ihr könnt gerne weiterhin unser FAN WERDEN und natürlich wären wir auch sehr froh wenn ihr uns als SUPPORTER unterstützen würdet!
Jeder Euro zählt! :)
Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013
Become our fan and help us to start phase 2 --> funding
Just a few more fans needed in order to start
phase 2... funding... so please sign up and become our fan. We'd really
appreciate it!
Montag, 13. Mai 2013
FANS für "Wagnis Mensch Sein" dringend gesucht :)
Liebe Freunde, liebe Kollegen, liebe Familie, liebe Bekannten und Verwandten,
es ist soweit – wir gehen mit unserer Theaterproduktion "WAGNIS MENSCH SEIN # ein Theateranschlag" auf die Plattform www.startnext.de. Startnext bietet die hervorragende Möglichkeit, eigene Projekte jedweder Art durch Crowdfunding zu finanzieren. So können neue Ideen entstehen, ins Leben gerufen und realisiert werden. Und auch wir brauchen für unsere Herzblutproduktion ein Budget. Und dafür brauchen wir Euch!
Alles über WAGNIS MENSCH SEIN findet Ihr unter:
http://www.startnext.de/wagnis-mensch-sein .
Um in die Finanzierungsphase zu kommen, benötigen wir als ersten Schritt 75 Fans. Bitte helft uns dabei, registiert Euch und werdet unser Fan.
Besucht unsere Seite und helft uns, diese wunderbare Idee zu realisieren!
es ist soweit – wir gehen mit unserer Theaterproduktion "WAGNIS MENSCH SEIN # ein Theateranschlag" auf die Plattform www.startnext.de. Startnext bietet die hervorragende Möglichkeit, eigene Projekte jedweder Art durch Crowdfunding zu finanzieren. So können neue Ideen entstehen, ins Leben gerufen und realisiert werden. Und auch wir brauchen für unsere Herzblutproduktion ein Budget. Und dafür brauchen wir Euch!
Alles über WAGNIS MENSCH SEIN findet Ihr unter:
Um in die Finanzierungsphase zu kommen, benötigen wir als ersten Schritt 75 Fans. Bitte helft uns dabei, registiert Euch und werdet unser Fan.
Besucht unsere Seite und helft uns, diese wunderbare Idee zu realisieren!
Freitag, 3. Mai 2013
Red Carpet Picture @ New Faces Award 2013
Last week I attended this year's BUNTE NEW FACES AWARD with my lovely colleague Birgit Stauber!
Check it out:
Stephanie LEXER und Birgit STAUBER at the New Faces Award 2013
(Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images Europe)
Congrats to all the nominees and award winners!
Dienstag, 19. März 2013
Diagonale 2013
Unfortunatley, I only attended this year's Diagonale for about two days... nevertheless:
I had an amazing time, starting with a great opening film "Paradies Hoffnung" (Ulrich Seidl), followed by the festival opening party!
See for yourself:
And no, I have absolutely no idea who came up with this little "kitty cat - background" idea...
But as you can imagine: there were quite a few AWWs and OOHs! :D
See you next year @ Diagonale 2014!
feel free to like BIEST on FACEBOOK ;)
Dienstag, 5. März 2013
Freitag, 15. Februar 2013
Berlinale - day 7 to....
Well, the flu has finally gotten to me :(
After attending a casting for a shortfilm I was heading to a reception of Saarland Film. Not even halfway through the reception, I had to leave though... The flu finally won :(
So, you won't be hearing/reading a lot of me during the next few days!
After attending a casting for a shortfilm I was heading to a reception of Saarland Film. Not even halfway through the reception, I had to leave though... The flu finally won :(
So, you won't be hearing/reading a lot of me during the next few days!
Over and out! Talk soon! x
Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013
Day 5 & 6 @ Berlinale 2013
What a great time to be living in Berlin... Berlinale!!!!
My 5th and 6th day at the Berlinale were just as great as the days before.
Monday started out at the "producer's brunch" with a pretty interesting discussion panel regarding digital distribution, habitual buying behavior of the consumer, as well as the question what the future will bring in this area of marketing and distribution. The discussion was followed by an incredible Brunch. Yes, it is getting really hard to keep your Berlinale starting weight, when you're offered such amazing food all the time ;)
After the brunch, I attended our annual general meeting of the BFFS (which is our occupational union for actors in Germany).
Later on I went to the reception of the Austrian Fim Commission, where I had such a fantastic time, filled with laughter, interesting conversations... AND, to be honest, with a little bit of nostalgia as well.
Because the day wasn't over yet, my friends and I went to celebrate with our fellow colleagues at the BFFS DSP Party (DSP = Deutscher Schauspielerpreis = german award for actors/actresses; founded by the BFFS).
To sum up: I had an absolutely wonderful time on Monday, day 5. Thank you all!
Since day 6 I'm struggling to not give into coming down with influenza, which is, unfortunately, putting up a pretty good fight. So my 6th day @ Berlinale was a pretty quiet and lazy one; I only attended a panel discussion concerning international casting and our opportunities to break into the international market! In the evening there would've been a lot of events which I wanted to attend, but as I mentioned, the flu seemed to have different plans for me.
Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013
day 4 @ Berlinale 2013
Oh wow... so many things to do, movies to see and events to attend, and it seems that everything happens at the same time!!!!
Today started with a great discussion panel of Ver.di regarding comditions of employment/production, retirement provisions, the role of politics in the whole scenario, suggestions to solve these problems we all are facing right now and so on and on; it was actually quite informative and interesting!
As the day went on, I attended another discussion panel, which was not only interesting but furthermore absolutely inspiring! Hosted by BVC the guests (Debbie McWilliams, Ros Hubbard, Lina Todd, Donna Morong, Anne Lindberg and John Sloss) were talking about "How does an actor become "seen" in the film business and how do the actors’ talent and team develop images and careers." A huge THANK YOU to all the guest speakers for their time and their contagious enthusiasm!
In the evening you've got a choice of several parties tonight.. unfortunately I'm not able to beam myself from one place to another, so I chose to go to a party called "screeners" where filmmakers could submit their shorts and showcase their work!
After another day, full of huuuge amounts of impressions, thoughts, ideas, etc...:
Good night everyone! I'm definitely looking forward to Day 5 @ Berlinale 2013!
Samstag, 9. Februar 2013
Berlinale - take 3
I've had another wonderful day at the Berlinale 2013.
My Saturday started with an interesting panel discussion regarding "TV Drama Series - The New Art House?", hosted by WIFT Germany in collaboration with WIFT Sweden and FC Gloria!
Followed by a meeting of "Strasbergians" (German/Austrian/Swiss students of the Strasberg Institute Los Angeles), which was absolutely lovely and inspiring, 'cause each and everyone of them are full of passion and have such an unique spirit!
And, last but not least, I attended the award ceremony of "Hoffnungsschimmer" (to honor fair conditions of tv/movie production/employment), followed by a reception of the union of film technicians!
Freitag, 8. Februar 2013
Berlinale - 2nd day
I had such a great time at the NORDMEDIA reception last night as well as at Ulrich Seidl's PARADIES: HOPE Berlinale-Premiere-Party!
Thank you all for a lovely evening!
Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013
Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013
Montag, 28. Januar 2013
Back from MOP = Max Ophüls Filmfestival
What an amazing filmfestival! I had such a great time! I'm very much looking forward to MOP 2014!
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